Rectangular Abstract by Robert Porreca

This sculpture is a totally abstract composition.  Being so there isn't much I can say, especially since interpretation is in the eye of the beholder, which is the point of the whole thing. With a successful abstraction, the design will be interesting enough to hold the attention of the viewer, giving pause to interpretation and some enjoyment in the visual experience. 

My studio is cluttered with objects and shapes that intrigue me. It was from a collection of things that were box-like and rectangular I began designing. It's how I work generally There isn't much of a preconceived concept, just the shapes and object on the workbench. The process that takes place is my reason for working with abstraction. It is the purest form of artistic expression I know and I enjoy it immensely. I used the model created from the rectangular scraps to help guide me to this greatly enlarged version in epoxy.